Wednesday 19 October 2011

Survey Results

These are the results of my questionnaire. I handed the questionnaire to 20 participants to learn more about what my target audience look for in an R&B music video, through the outcome result I was able gather some information that I can use to attract potential target audiences. 
From the information that I have gathered I learnt that my target audience like music that relates to them or that contains lyrics that talks about things that happen in society.  75% said they like R&B music video that contains reality  rather than humor, I noted that my target audience are fans of narrative based music video.                                                                                

I asked whom my target audience who is their favourite female R&B music artist now out of the following artist; many concluded that Kelly Rowland was their favourite. I will use this information and research more about Kelly Rowland as an artist and see how I could make my artist similar to her. Making an artist profile of the artist that I will be using for my video would be useful.

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