Friday 27 January 2012

Research Planning: Magazine advert analysis 1

Rihanna is being represented as aggressive, she looks intimidating as she is looking straight to the camera and her facial express is neutral.
The colours used are vague and brings out a dark atmosphere. The faded red text at the bottom of the poster gives a balances to the poster not allowing it to be to dark. the fact that the text is faded it give credit to the other text to be seen.
Not much information is giving however the poster lets the audience know the feating artist, the name of the main artist and the name of the album. the little text at the bottom of the poster has the date of the release of the album.
the layout is appropriate; the texts are place at the bottom which is common for most posters - its so that the face of the artist is seen clearly and is not covered. her name is written a bit bigger than the rest of the text on the poster because the audience need to acknowledge that she is the main focus.
The title of the album is called 'R Rated' the letter R is apart of her initials, put together with the word 'rated' this is  suggesting that her album is rated to her standards  which links to the image she is portraying of herself in the poster.

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